How to Cook Delicious Beef Noodle Soup Properly

Beef noodles

The way to cook delicious beef noodle soup will bring a lot of nutritional value. For example: supplementing with many minerals and vitamins, fighting diseases, strengthening the body’s immune system, etc. In addition, eating beef pho regularly also helps the body to stay awake and fight depression very well. Therefore, go to the kitchen right away and cook for the whole family to enjoy.


  • Delicious beef: 400g
  • Noodles with noodles: 700g
  • Beef bones: 700g
  • Onion: 1 piece
  • Purple onion
  • Spice pack for beef noodle soup
  • Fresh ginger root: 1 piece
  • Onions, coriander
  • Kinds of spice
  • Other necessary tools


  • Beef bones bought to deodorize, squeeze ginger and a little salt and then rinse with water to dry. Prepare a large pot, put beef bones in with clean water. Turn on the stove and cook for about 45 minutes.
  • While waiting for beef bones to cook, people prepare beef and other ingredients. Wash the beef and cut it into thin slices to taste.
  • Red onion and onion, cut into thick pieces, put in a separate bowl. Ginger is similar to onion, cut into pieces but thinner. Once done, put it on the charcoal grill. Finish cleaning dust, coal.
  • Onions and coriander remove damaged, yellowed leaves and wash.
  • Next, you put the seasoning packet for beef noodle soup and roast it until the aroma is fine. Take it out and put it in a cloth bag, tie it tight.
  • As for beef bone broth, after stewing, if it is cloudy, filter it through a sieve and then add water to taste.
  • Turn on the stove to cook, put the roasted seasoning packet with ginger, grilled onion into the pot and bring to a boil. When the water boils, season to taste. Cook for about 30 minutes more.
  • While waiting for the broth, cook another pot of boiling water. Put the pho noodles in the bowl and then remove it from the bowl.
  • Continue to add the beef until it turns pink, then take it out and put it on top of the noodle bowl.
  • Arrange scallions, coriander and some thinly sliced onion on top. Bowing with the broth to cover the surface of the noodle soup is the completion of the recipe for rare beef pho.